While the wasp colonies got off to a relatively slow start despite the very mild winter we experienced, the weather forecast for the coming weeks will create ideal conditions for their rapid progression.
Despite a very mild winter which led to a high rate of survival in social wasp queens, the demand for the interventions has not been intense so far this year. It is roughly similar to 2023 but 3 times less than that of 2021 which was a record year. But the situation is likely to change with the weather forecast for coming weeks and that will only be the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, it is in mid-August that the real wasp season begins for pest management specialists because more than 60% of interventions are carried out from this moment until the end of October.
Most wasp species make visible paper nests hung on buildings or on a tree branch. Others prefer the abandoned burrows of small mammals or the cracks of structures, while German wasps almost always settle in the voids of structures. The point of infiltration can often be very far from the exact location of the nest which is described as “non-visible” in industry jargon. You should never seal the place where wasps enter the building as this will block them inside. They will then find themselves in the living rooms of the affected place.
There isn't really an effective way to prevent the presence of wasps and in some ways they play a pollinating role which makes them useful. However, if someone is allergic or if they settle near the front doors of the residence, it is important to locate the nests and destroy them quickly because the size of the colonies will increase very fast until the first frosts. You will find tips on our website to eliminate them if they become bothersome.
Fake nests will not prevent them from settling in and it is not uncommon to see several colonies, often of different species, on the same property. However, it is possible to limit their numbers by installing traps which can be placed away from the table on your patio. The liquid bait will attract them to the trap and once inside, they will not be able to get out.
For more details, contact our advisors!
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