• Phorid fly Flies

    Phorid fly
  • Phorid fly
  • Phorid fly


The only permanent solution is to locate their source of propagation and eradicate it, since larvae can only survive in that environment. To do so, you must remove any organic matter, dry out the area, and make any necessary repairs. As soon as their source is eradicated, the fly population should decrease quickly enough. A pest management specialist can help you locate breeding sites, as needed.

If there is a large population of flies, a quick spray with Maheu&Maheu Flying Insect Killer in the air and on surfaces where they land will eradicate them.


  • Find and dispose of decomposing matter.
  • Spot spray with pyrethrin-based insecticide in places with a lot of flies


  • Take care of drains to prevent surface buildup of organic matter

Description and development

Phorid flies, also called “humpbacked flies,” are diptera belonging to the Phoridae family. There are more than 350 species in North America. These small flies measure 0.5 to 6 mm in length. Their color ranges from yellow to dark brown and they have a very arched thorax, giving them a hunched back. Phorid flies have short antennae and prominent dark veins at the base of their wings that can easily be recognized. Like all flies, their development is holometabolous (4 stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult).
After mating, females search for a place to deposit their eggs (a breeding site). Depending on the species, females can lay hundreds of eggs throughout their short lives. They prefer laying their eggs near or on humid and often decomposing organic matter. Phorid flies are known to lay their eggs in a wide variety of locations. Their breeding sites range from animal carcasses to standing water, garbage, rotting vegetable matter, water-soaked soil, excrement, or mushrooms (mold).

As soon as they hatch, larvae burrow into the organic matter and quickly feed on it. Depending on temperature and humidity, larvae take about 8 to 16 days to pupate. Before turning into pupae, larvae leave the breeding area and hide in dry, protected areas. Overall, their life cycle from egg to adult can last from 14 to 37 days.


Adults can often be found around flowers and various other egg-laying mediums to feed. These flies, like many other fly species, can carry diseases from having been on animal carcasses, excrement, or other unsanitary surfaces. Some species can spend their entire lives burrowed underground, which can happen when there is a sewer backup or pipe breaks in the foundations of a house. Many species even feed on human corpses, which is why they are commonly referred to as “coffin flies.”

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