• Rice Weevil Beetles

    Rice Weevil
  • Rice Weevil
  • Rice Weevil


If you have insects living in foodstuffs, the most important thing is to locate and eliminate their breeding grounds. Anything that has not been attacked by these pests should be stored in airtight containers. Next, vacuum all cracks and crevices in the pantry to remove any crumbs and insects. Remember to throw away the vacuum cleaner bag or empty the canister to prevent reinfestation. Lastly, apply an insecticide like Maheu&Maheu Crawling Insect Killer or Maheu&Maheu Insecticide Dust . Before doing so, remove everything from the pantry. Also refrain from washing the cupboard shelves for about a month. It is strongly recommended that you line pantry shelves with paper before putting any food back, so the containers do not come into contact with the insecticide.


  • Put all food in sealed containers
  • Vacuum pantries and under appliances (empty receptacle/dispose of bag)
  • Spray or treat the perimeter of the kitchen with an insecticide as well as cracks and crevices in pantries


  • Store food in sealed containers

Description and development

The rice weevil is a beetle belonging to the Curculionidae family. Insects in this family are easily recognized by their rostrum (a trumpet-like stiff projection on the head). Rice weevils (Sitophilus oryzae ) are brownish-red in color. They are characterized by the presence of four pale spots on the elytra (pair of wing covers typical of beetles). They measure 2 to 3 mm long on average.
An adult female can lay 150 to 300 eggs, placing each one in a hole bored in a grain kernel. Then she secretes a gelatinous substance to seal up the hole, making it difficult to detect the egg. The apodal (footless) larva develops in the grain and the adult emerges after the pupa (cocoon) stage. The life cycle takes 35 to 50 days—the higher the moisture level, the faster the life cycle. The adult lives 4 to 8 months, depending on environmental conditions. So there is only one generation a year.


Weevils can attack almost any grain, including rice, corn, barley, rye, buckwheat, and wheat. It is also not unusual to find them in pasta. Adults feign death when disturbed. Adult rice weevils can fly in search of food.

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